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Edmonton, Alberta

The Edmonton Track and Field Council is the central governing body for Track and Field activities in the Greater Edmonton Area. We oversee and support all clubs, coaches, athletes, volunteers and training facilities. We support the development and growth of the sport of Track and Field in the City of Edmonton Alberta. We want to see the sport of Track and Field in Edmonton grow and all participants acheive their best.


Pole Vault Clinic!

Edmonton Track and Field Council


Looking for interested kids from 11 to 16

Edmonton International Track Club, along with the Edmonton Track Council invite any one interested in trying out pole vault to the University of Alberta Butterdome for 3 introductory sessions.

The dates and times are:

  • Feb 20th 5-7pm
  • Mar 19th 9-11am
  • Apr 9th 10-12pm

School and club athletes are welcome. There is a $10 drop in fee per session.

Email: if you are interested. Please provide your name, age/grade, gender, school and track club you are currently with if applicable.

Check out the official poster here!