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Edmonton, Alberta

The Edmonton Track and Field Council is the central governing body for Track and Field activities in the Greater Edmonton Area. We oversee and support all clubs, coaches, athletes, volunteers and training facilities. We support the development and growth of the sport of Track and Field in the City of Edmonton Alberta. We want to see the sport of Track and Field in Edmonton grow and all participants acheive their best.


Update From the Board

Edmonton Track and Field Council

The board had a meeting recently and we wanted to update you all on some things:

  1. Saturday bookings
    1. After reviewing the usage data and talking with some coaches we have decided to keep the bookings available to all kinsmen users. We feel that the usage is growing and it is a valuable part of our service.
  2. Friday Bookings
    1. We have noticed that Friday's are starting to fill up so we are going to look into booking some floor space on those days.
  3. Monitors
    1. Some days are starting to get so busy that one monitor is insufficient for coverage. We have decided to allow Daniel Lauzon to schedule more monitors on days that we feel really need the extra help. We look forward to having more people out there keeping us safe!
  4. Next General Meeting
    1. We are planning to do a meeting in the near future. Please stay tuned as we schedule that in the coming months.

Thanks Everyone. As always if you have questions don't hesitate to contact us.