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Edmonton, Alberta

The Edmonton Track and Field Council is the central governing body for Track and Field activities in the Greater Edmonton Area. We oversee and support all clubs, coaches, athletes, volunteers and training facilities. We support the development and growth of the sport of Track and Field in the City of Edmonton Alberta. We want to see the sport of Track and Field in Edmonton grow and all participants acheive their best.

T&F Equipment Rental

Equipment Rentals

Dear School and Community Rollie Miles Users,

The Edmonton Track and Field Council has entered into a new agreement with the City of Edmonton for 2025 and moving forward regarding our track and field equipment at Rollie Miles. We are now paying for storage and insurance of equipment, and will be responsible for any upkeep costs and eventual replacement.

Starting April 2025, we will be implementing a minimal rental charge for those groups requiring access to ETFC equipment to support these costs. 

The equipment under this Rental purview will include:

  • hurdles

  • pole vault mats and bar

  • high jump mats and bar

  • throwing sector lines

* a full cart of blocks is available from the City

* throwing implements are not available for rent

Rental Rates:

  • $25 / hour

  • $100 / half day (2-4 hours) booking

  • $200 / full day (4+ hours) booking


  • One primary contact will be responsible for signing the agreement, storage room key pick up and drop off, and equipment return

  • Equipment rental payment must be received prior to booking

  • Misuse of equipment, or broken equipment (including cross bars) may result in a surcharge to the renter


  1. Requesting organizations must submit their equipment rental request at least two weeks before their intended booking. Requests for equipment rental can be be made through our website here: Track & Field Equipment — Edmonton Track and Field Council

  2. If approved by the Track Council, an invoice and instructions will be sent through to the requesting organization.

  3. Equipment rental payment must be made by cheque or e-transfer, as indicated on the invoice, and must be received prior to the rental date requested.

  4. A sign out and sign in procedure will be in place for day-of access. Equipment will be inspected after each booking.

If you are interested in renting equipment, please fill out the Rental Form. Questions can be directed to