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Edmonton, Alberta

The Edmonton Track and Field Council is the central governing body for Track and Field activities in the Greater Edmonton Area. We oversee and support all clubs, coaches, athletes, volunteers and training facilities. We support the development and growth of the sport of Track and Field in the City of Edmonton Alberta. We want to see the sport of Track and Field in Edmonton grow and all participants acheive their best.

ETFC Coach Lecture Series


ETFC Coach Lecture Series

Edmonton Track and Field Council

Overview: The Coach Lecture Series provides coaches and interested individuals with relevant information on topics in the sport of track and field from leading professionals and provides individuals the opportunity to engage and network with like-minded sport professionals. This free event is recognized by the Coaching Association of Canada as a professional development opportunity to obtain the professional development points required to maintain certified coaching status. Dinner is included.

Session Dates & Topics:

  • Session #1: January 22, 2019 - Human Form and Function in Sport: A Conceptual Framework

  • Session #2: February 26, 2019 - Seven Stages to Develop Explosive Power in the Young Athlete

  • Session # 3: March 19, 2019 - The Growing Athlete: Building Durability & Movement Capacity

Session Time: 7:15pm - 9:00pm (for all)

Session Location: Kinnette Room - Kinsmen Sports Centre 9100 Walterdale Hill, Edmonton, AB T6E 2V3

To register: Click HERE

For more information, email: