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Edmonton, Alberta

The Edmonton Track and Field Council is the central governing body for Track and Field activities in the Greater Edmonton Area. We oversee and support all clubs, coaches, athletes, volunteers and training facilities. We support the development and growth of the sport of Track and Field in the City of Edmonton Alberta. We want to see the sport of Track and Field in Edmonton grow and all participants acheive their best.


Isaak’s Invitational Eight

Edmonton Track and Field Council

The Running Room Indoor Games is offering the 3rd Annual Invitational 800m in memory of Isaak Kornelsen. We would like a field of approximately 10 ‘elite’ male and female athletes to compete on the evening of March 14, 2015 during the Games’ Finals session.  There will be prize money for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place. If you are an athlete or you are a coach with an athlete interested in participating, please contact Nikki (  with your name, verifiable seed time, and affiliation, no later than February 28, 2015.


Nikki Ellis

Registration Director

Running Room Indoor Games