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Edmonton, Alberta

The Edmonton Track and Field Council is the central governing body for Track and Field activities in the Greater Edmonton Area. We oversee and support all clubs, coaches, athletes, volunteers and training facilities. We support the development and growth of the sport of Track and Field in the City of Edmonton Alberta. We want to see the sport of Track and Field in Edmonton grow and all participants acheive their best.


Volunteer at the 2017 Alberta Indoor Championships!

Edmonton Track and Field Council

Give a few hours out of your day and volunteer for the Albert Athletics indoor events! The 2017 Alberta Indoor Games and the 2017 Alberta Indoor Championships need your help to make them successful, enjoyable and safe.

Date: March 3-5, 2017
Location: University of Alberta - Universiade Pavillion (Butterdome)
Volunteers will receive complimentary parking, snacks & lunch!

To register, go to:

Alberta Sport Leadership Conference

Edmonton Track and Field Council

A training and networking opportunity for the sport sector that is presented every two years, the theme for this year's Sport Leadership Conference is 'Celebrating Sport in Alberta'. Throughout the Conference athletes, coaches, officials, leaders, event hosts and volunteers will be recognized for their contributions to Alberta’s sport system. 

This year’s Conference sessions will focus on key qualities of sport and are designed around select fundamentals including: Sport is led by quality coaches; Sport Organizations demonstrate excellence; Sport reflects the principles of Athlete Development, Sport is safe and ethical; and Sport is inclusive and accessible to under-represented and marginalized populations.

Dates: April 27-29, 2017

Location: Banff Centre - 107 Tunnel Mountain Drive Banff, AB CA T1L 1H5

Cost: $300 before April 14th/ $375 After April 14.

For more information or to register, go to:

High Performance Coach Mentorship Program

Edmonton Track and Field Council

Athletics Canada is introducing its High performance Coach Mentorship Program. This program provides the opportunity for aspiring coaches to gain experience to be fully immersed in the daily training environment with top Canadian athletes, Athletics Canada Hub Staff and Integrated Support Teams during designated training camps and testing opportunities.

Information on the High Performance Coach Mentorship Program for the 2017 West Hub Warm Weather Endurance Camp is now available and can be located HERE.

To apply, review the program overview located here and send complete documents to Julianne Zussman ( no later than Monday, December 19th.