Teaching and Learning
- Location: Percy Page Centre, Edmonton, Alberta
- Date & Time: Wednesday, September 26th, 2018 (9:00 am - 4:30 pm)
- Upon completing the Teaching and Learning module you will be able to:
- assess your own beliefs regarding effective teaching;
- analyze certain coaching situations to determine if they promote learning;
- create conditions that promote learning and self-esteem through:
- appropriate consideration of the affective, cognitive and motor dimensions of learning;
- the use of words and methods that relate to an athlete’s preferred learning style;
- a sound organization;
- active supervision; and
- the use of well-formulated feedback offered at the right time and with the right frequency.
- use teaching assessment grids to gather objective information on teaching effectiveness, and use this data to develop an action plan to enhance your own effectiveness as a teacher and coach.
For more information or to register, go to: https://thelocker.coach.ca/event/registration/2582